The Police
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Fake emails claiming that you’ve won a “36 piece Tupperware set / E-byst ffug yma sy’n honni eich bod wedi ennill “set Tupperware 36 darn.

⚠️ Watch out for fake emails claiming that you’ve won a “36 piece Tupperware set”.

The emails lead to websites designed to steal your personal information.

If you receive a suspicious email, report it by forwarding the email to: report@phishing.gov.uk

Your reports have led to the removal of 295,300 malicious websites as of December 2023.


⚠️ Gwyliwch allan am e-byst ffug sy’n honni eich bod wedi ennill “set Tupperware 36 darn”.

Mae'r e-byst yn arwain at wefannau sydd wedi'u cynllunio i ddwyn eich gwybodaeth bersonol.

Os byddwch yn derbyn e-bost amheus, riportiwch drwy anfon yr e-bost ymlaen at: report@phishing.gov.uk

Mae eich adroddiadau wedi arwain at ddileu 295,300 o wefannau maleisus hyd at mis Rhagfyr 2023.


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Message Sent By
Dewi Owen
(North Wales Police, Cyber Crime Officer, North Wales)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials