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Royal Mail scam e-mail / E-bost scam y Post Brenhinol.

⚠️ Scam emails claiming to be from the Royal Mail have recently been reported to Action Fraud over 5,000 times, so keep an eye out for them.


The e-mails claim that the recipient has missed a delivery and that a parcel is waiting for them. The links in the emails lead to fake but genuine-looking Royal Mail websites that are designed to steal personal and financial information.


Despite these type of scam e-mails being quite common and most people being aware of the ‘parcel waiting’ scam, they are still catching people out. Please take your time to read and consider any e-mails like this carefully and never click on unverified links. 


Please also take a few minutes to make sure that your family, friends and neighbours are aware of this type of scam and that they know what to look out for and what to do if they receive such a message. 


✅ If you can please report suspicious emails by forwarding them to: report@phishing.gov.uk


ℹ️ Your reports have led to the removal of 337,672 scam websites as of June 2024.



⚠️ Mae negeseuon e-bost scam sy’n honni eu bod gan y Post Brenhinol wedi cael eu riportio i Action Fraud dros 5,000 o weithiau yn ddiweddar, felly cadwch lygad allan amdanynt.


Mae'r e-byst yn honni fod y derbynnydd wedi methu danfoniad a fod parsel yn aros amdanynt. Mae'r dolenni yn yr e-byst yn arwain at wefannau Post Brenhinol ffug sy'n edrych yn ddilys ond sydd wedi'u creu i ddwyn gwybodaeth bersonol ac ariannol.


Er fod y mathau yma o e-byst scam yn eithaf cyffredin a fod y rhan fwyaf o bobl yn ymwybodol o’r scam ‘parsel yn aros’, maent yn dal i fod yn dal pobl allan. Cymerwch eich amser i ddarllen ac ystyried unrhyw e-byst fel hyn yn ofalus a pheidiwch byth â chlicio ar ddolenni heb eu gwirio. 


Treuliwch ychydig funudau hefyd yn gwneud yn siŵr fod eich teulu, ffrindiau a chymdogion yn ymwybodol o’r math yma o scam a’u bod yn gwybod beth i gadw llygad allan amdano a beth i’w wneud os ydynt yn derbyn neges o’r fath. 


✅ Gallwch riportio e-byst amheus drwy eu hanfon ymlaen at: report@phishing.gov.uk


ℹ️ Mae eich adroddiadau wedi arwain at ddileu 337,672 o wefannau scam hyd at Mehefin 2024.



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Message Sent By
Dewi Owen
(North Wales Police, Cyber Crime Officer, North Wales)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials