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Flintshire North Review

Good Afternoon Flintshire North!


Rota 4 and NPT are with you today. There's been 63 calls for service in the last 24h - 14 of which were P0 🚨 (Attended on Lights and Sirens)


🏡 4 x Domestic Incidents 
🚑 5 x Concern for Safety Incidents 
✖️ 6 x Anti Social Behaviour Incidents


🚔 5 people have been arrested in the last 24h, 1 of which remains in custody.  2 for our shoplifting incident we posted about yesterday, 2 for domestic related assault. And one Drug Drive from our RCU* colleagues on patch.


🚓 31 incidents have come across to our system for an investigation or write up, and 13 have been recorded as crimes so far.


🚒 The main incident of note has been the ongoing incident near the A494 where there is a large fire. We posted last night that there was no cause for concern and fire appliances were taking round trips to bring water to site.


🧐 So you may think, why does it need police at all? We were there initially to put on a road closure and co-ordinate highways coming down to take over the road closure. We then had a very important resource which was our drone. The drone operator was able to provide thermal imaging to help Fire commanders see the extent of the fire.  We then had a couple officers on site managing traffic in and out, and monitoring any equipment which couldn't be left alone.


👨🏻‍🚒 Today instead of the dog, I've provided the drone image, so you can see the scale of what Fire were dealing with. There are policies and procedures in place for how all of our emergency services work together called JESIP - The Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Procedure (try saying that three times fast 😆 )

If you'd like to know more about that --  https://www.jesip.org.uk/joint-doctrine/principles-for-joint-working/



I'll be here through the afternoon and into the evening, being a nuisance to criminals and probably my own supervisors - Have a Wonderful Day, Stay Safe - 3604.
RCU - Roads Crimes Unit. 

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Message Sent By
PC 3604 Shannen Finnerty
(North Wales Police, PC, Flintshire North)

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