The Police
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Dear resident,


North Wales Police have received a report from Rossett & Burton local community council that residents have expressed concerns about parking on pavements in Burton and Rossett. Vehicles parked on the pavement in this area have caused an obstruction to pedestrians using the pavement.


Currently, it is not illegal to park on the pavement in Wales.  However, it is an offence to cause an obstruction.


Can I therefore ask that if you or any visitors to your residence are parking in this area then can you avoid parking on the pavement.  If this is not possible, then I advise that you allow enough room to allow pedestrians to pass on the pavement, this also includes allowing enough space for pushchairs and wheelchairs to pass. 


Thank you in advance for your cooperation in helping to resolve the issues.


Neighbourhood Policing Team


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Message Sent By
Lana Kelleher-Lightwood
(Police, PCSO, Wrexham Rural)

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