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Shop online safely over the Christmas period / Byddwch yn ddiogel wrth siopa ar-lein dros gyfnod y Nadolig.

🛒 Need to get some last-minute Christmas shopping done online?


🎁 Last festive season, online shopping fraud cost victims over £11.5 million.


💡 Follow these tips to help keep your money safe and out of the pockets of criminals this Christmas 👉https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/news/12frauds


#NWPCyberSafe #12Frauds #FraudFreeXmas

🛒 Angen gwneud ychydig o siopa Nadolig munud olaf ar-lein?


🎁 Dros y Nadolig diwethaf, costiodd twyll siopa ar-lein dros £11.5 miliwn i ddioddefwyr.


💡 Dilynwch yr awgrymiadau yma i helpu i gadw'ch arian yn ddiogel ac allan o bocedi’r troseddwyr dros y Nadolig 👉 https://www.actionfraud.police.uk/news/12frauds



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Message Sent By
Dewi Owen
(North Wales Police, Cyber Crime Officer, North Wales)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials