The Police
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Appeal for information

Dear Resident,

We are appealing for information following a report of theft from Spencer Industrial Estate in Buckley during January where approximately £8000 of sheet metal was stolen. We are trying to identify a white dropside van which was seen on at least 3 occasions to attend at the site and two unknown suspects have loaded sheet metal onto the back. 


If you have any information which can assist us in identifying the vehicle involved, please contact North Wales Police on 101 or webchat quoting occurrence number 25000063254. Alternatively, please contact PC2934 Aiden Berry at Mold Police Station by email on aiden.berry@northwales.police.uk 


Attached is a CCTV image of the van involved. 


PC2934 Aiden Berry

Neighbourhood Policing Team 

Mold Police Station

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Message Sent By
Aiden Berry
(Police, Constable, Flintshire South NPT)

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